Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Khan Academy

I watched the Khan Academy video about the events and summarizing of World War II and the Vietnam War.
That is the link to the 15 minute long video


I really enjoyed this video because of its great historical content. It accurately and quickly summarizes major happenings in between World War II and the Vietnam War. If we were learning this in our regular history class, it might have taken one 50 minute period to cover the topics. On Khan Academy, the topics were covered in less than 15 minutes and I understood the subject to the fullest.


The only thing I would change about this video is that I would put in a little bit more words and space the information out a little bit more, because all of the major event were cramped into a little space.

I believe that the "flipping the classroom" paradigm is great and it should be applied in schools nowadays because, as I said, I learned a lot about the events between the wars in a small amount of time.

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